MySQL.RU - Webboard
Symbolic link under Windows (vitek) 27/03/2002 - 08:13:05
Re: Symbolic link under Windows (Василий) 27/03/2002 - 13:06:59
From: vitek - 27/03/2002 - 08:13:05
Subject:Symbolic link under Windows
Какую фишку прикольную сегодня обнаружил:
-------------------------------------------------------- Splitting Data Across Different Disks on Windows
Beginning with MySQL Version 3.23.16, the mysqld-max and mysql-max-nt servers in the MySQL distribution are compiled with the -DUSE_SYMDIR option. This allows you to put a database on different disk by adding a symbolic link to it (in a manner similar to the way that symbolic links work on Unix).
On Windows, you make a symbolic link to a database by creating a file that contains the path to the destination directory and saving this in the `mysql_data' directory under the filename `database.sym'. Note that the symbolic link will be used only if the directory `mysql_data_dir\database' doesn't exist.
For example, if the MySQL data directory is `C:\mysql\data' and you want to have database foo located at `D:\data\foo', you should create the file `C:\mysql\data\foo.sym' that contains the text D:\data\foo\. After that, all tables created in the database foo will be created in `D:\data\foo'.
Note that because of the speed penalty you get when opening every table, we have not enabled this by default even if you have compiled MySQL with support for this. To enable symlinks you should put in your my.cnf or my.ini file the following entry:
In MySQL 4.0 we will enable symlinks by default. Then you should instead use the skip-symlink option if you want to disable this.
Я только мечтал, а оно уже оказывается давно есть.
Век живи, век учись.
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