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Помогите сменить пароль юзеру (Butch) 21/02/2002 - 09:56:37
      Re: Помогите сменить пароль юзеру (Василий) 21/02/2002 - 12:14:11
      Re: Помогите понять в чем дело (Roma) 21/02/2002 - 14:25:02
      Re: Помогите понять в чем дело (rxl) 21/02/2002 - 15:25:33
      Re: Помогите понять в чем дело (Василий) 21/02/2002 - 16:09:56
      Re: Выдержка из мануала (vitek) 21/02/2002 - 19:14:09
      Re: Выдержка из мануала (RXL) 22/02/2002 - 00:01:21
      Re: Выдержка из мануала (vitek) 22/02/2002 - 04:53:11
      Re: Помогите сменить пароль юзеру (Butch) 23/02/2002 - 06:56:14

> Original message text:
> From: Butch - 21/02/2002 - 09:56:37
> Subject:Помогите сменить пароль юзеру
> -----------------
> Есть пользователь в MySql с такимже именем, тобиш mysql и есть у него пароль вот етот пароль что есть надо сменить на другой а КАК?
> Подскжите плиз!

From: vitek - 21/02/2002 - 19:14:09
Subject:Выдержка из мануала
General Security Issues and the MySQL Access Privilege System


`user' table sorting works as follows. Suppose the `user' table looks
like this:

| Host | User | ...
| % | root | ...
| % | jeffrey | ...
| localhost | root | ...
| localhost | | ...

When the server reads in the table, it orders the entries with the
most-specific `Host' values first (`'%'' in the `Host' column means
"any host" and is least specific). Entries with the same `Host' value
are ordered with the most-specific `User' values first (a blank `User'
value means "any user" and is least specific). The resulting sorted
`user' table looks like this:

| Host | User | ...
| localhost | root | ...
| localhost | | ...
| % | jeffrey | ...
| % | root | ...

When a connection is attempted, the server looks through the sorted
entries and uses the first match found. For a connection from
`localhost' by `jeffrey', the entries with `'localhost'' in the `Host'
column match first. Of those, the entry with the blank user name
matches both the connecting hostname and user name. (The
`'%'/'jeffrey'' entry would have matched, too, but it is not the first
match in the table.)

Here is another example. Suppose the `user' table looks like this:

| Host | User | ...
| % | jeffrey | ...
| thomas.loc.gov | | ...

The sorted table looks like this:

| Host | User | ...
| thomas.loc.gov | | ...
| % | jeffrey | ...

A connection from `thomas.loc.gov' by `jeffrey' is matched by the first
entry, whereas a connection from `whitehouse.gov' by `jeffrey' is
matched by the second.


The privileges for a column can be calculated as follows:

global privileges
OR (database privileges AND host privileges)
OR table privileges
OR column privileges

Всё достаточно просто.
Даже не особо зная английский :-)

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