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MySQL.RU - Webboard

MySQL 4.0.19 не берем, ждем 4.0.20 (Dinky) 14/05/2004 - 01:21:19

From: Dinky - 14/05/2004 - 01:21:19
Subject:MySQL 4.0.19 не берем, ждем 4.0.20

Some of you may have noted that we have uploaded the MySQL 4.0.19 binaries
to our mirrors, but have not sent out an announcement or updated the web
pages yet.

The MySQL 4.0.19 binaries were uploaded to the download mirrors on May,
10th. However, a potential crashing bug in MySQL 4.1 was found and
confirmed to affect the 4.0.19 release as well. This happened just shortly
before the release was publicly announced and published on the 4.0
download pages at http://dev.mysql.com/.

See Bug #3596 for details (it was initially reported against MySQL-4.1,
but was confirmed to exits 4.0.19 as well).

A fix for this bug was pushed into the MySQL source tree quickly after it
could be reproduced and will be included in the upcoming MySQL 4.0.20, to
be released shortly.

We recommend our users to stick to MySQL 4.0.18 for the time being, until
MySQL 4.0.20 has been released (this specific bug was introduced after
MySQL 4.0.18 was released, so older versions were not affected by it).

We apologize for the inconvenience!

- --
Lenz Grimmer <lenz@mysql.com>
Senior Production Engineer
MySQL GmbH, http://www.mysql.de/
Hamburg, Germany

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