MySQL.RU - Webboard
Как завести в MySQL юзера (Rinat Shabanov) 19/12/2001 - 12:09:41
Re: Как завести в MySQL юзера (Василий) 19/12/2001 - 14:09:15
> Original message text:
> From: Rinat Shabanov - 19/12/2001 - 12:09:41
> Subject:Как завести в MySQL юзера
> -----------------
> Всем привет !!!
> Как завести пользоваиеля в MySQL. В данное время я работаю
> только под юзером root, а как мне еще добавить другого.
> FreeBSD 4.4 STABLE, MySQL 3.23.43
> With best, Rinat
From: Василий - 19/12/2001 - 14:09:15
Subject:Как завести в MySQL юзера
вообще-то, в архивах форума должно быть не одно сообщение на эту тему.
GRANT priv_type [(column_list)] [, priv_type [(column_list)] ...]
ON {tbl_name | * | *.* | db_name.*}
TO user_name [IDENTIFIED BY 'password']
[, user_name [IDENTIFIED BY 'password'] ...] [WITH GRANT OPTION]
а потом вызвать
flush privileges;
взято из документации раздел 4.3
For the GRANT and REVOKE statements, priv_type may be specified as any of the following:
ALL is a synonym for ALL PRIVILEGES. REFERENCES is not yet implemented. USAGE is currently a synonym for ``no privileges.'' It can be used when you want to create a user that has no privileges.
You can set global privileges by using ON *.* syntax. You can set database privileges by using ON db_name.* syntax. If you specify ON * and you have a current database, you will set the privileges for that database. (WARNING: If you specify ON * and you don't have a current database, you will affect the global privileges!)
In order to accommodate granting rights to users from arbitrary hosts, MySQL supports specifying the user_name value in the form user@host. If you want to specify a user string containing special characters (such as `-'), or a host string containing special characters or wild-card characters (such as `%'), you can quote the user or host name (for example, 'test-user'@'test-hostname').
You can specify wild cards in the hostname. For example, user@"%.loc.gov" applies to user for any host in the loc.gov domain, and user@"144.155.166.%" applies to user for any host in the 144.155.166 class C subnet.
The simple form user is a synonym for user@"%". NOTE: If you allow anonymous users to connect to the MySQL server (which is the default), you should also add all local users as user@localhost because otherwise the anonymous user entry for the local host in the mysql.user table will be used when the user tries to log into the MySQL server from the local machine! Anonymous users are defined by inserting entries with User='' into the mysql.user table.
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