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под Linux не запускается MySQL (Dolphin321) 28/12/2003 - 18:31:41
      Re: А если проще... (Собрат) 28/12/2003 - 19:43:17
      Re: А если проще... (Dolphin321) 28/12/2003 - 19:47:09
      Re: под Linux не запускается MySQL (Dolphin321) 29/12/2003 - 00:03:39

From: Dolphin321 - 28/12/2003 - 18:31:41
Subject:под Linux не запускается MySQL
установил себе второй операционкой RedHat Linux 9.0
давая команду /sbin/service mysqld start
получаю ответ
Initializing MySQL database: Sorry, the host 'aqua' could not be looked up.
Please configure the 'hostname' command to return a correct hostname.
If you want to solve this at a later stage, restart this script with
the --force option[FAILED]

в руководстве MySQL написано

If you are using a libc-based system (instead of a glibc2 system), you will probably get some problems with hostname resolution and getpwnam() with the binary release. (This is because glibc unfortunately depends on some external libraries to resolve hostnames and getpwent(), even when compiled with -static). In this case you probably get the following error message when you run mysql_install_db:

Sorry, the host 'xxxx' could not be looked up

or the following error when you try to run mysqld with the --user option:

getpwnam: No such file or directory

You can solve this problem in one of the following ways:

* Get a MySQL source distribution (an RPM or the tar.gz distribution) and install this instead.
* Execute mysql_install_db --force; this will not execute the resolveip test in mysql_install_db. The downside is that you can't use host names in the grant tables: Except for localhost, you must use IP numbers instead. If you are using an old version of MySQL that doesn't support --force, you must manually remove the resolveip test in mysql_install using an editor.
* Start mysqld with su rather than by specifying the --user option.

хотя у меня glibc2 версии 2.3.2
ок, запускаю /sbin/service mysqld start --force
тот же ответ

как это побороть ?
если я переустановлю MySQL, то надо будет ли переустанавливать ПХП и Апач ?

[Это сообщение - спам!]

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