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MySQL.RU - Webboard

phpMyAdmin (che) 01/09/2002 - 22:40:18
      Re: phpMyAdmin (T) 02/09/2002 - 08:43:48
      Re: phpMyAdmin (che) 02/09/2002 - 10:39:47
      Re: phpMyAdmin (T) 03/09/2002 - 15:02:46
      Re: phpMyAdmin ... (Froggy) 04/09/2002 - 10:58:22
      Re: phpMyAdmin ... (che) 04/09/2002 - 18:42:40

> Original message text:
> From: che - 01/09/2002 - 22:40:18
> Subject:phpMyAdmin
> -----------------
> Доброе время суток уважаемые!
> Скачал, развернул, залил.
> Вопрос: заливать на сервер в htdocs где index.html лежит?
> Следующий вопрос: Что делать? :) после того как сделал необходимые настройки в config.inc.php , но из IE по адресу
> могу только файл загрузить (сохранить на диске), но не исполнить :(

From: che - 04/09/2002 - 18:42:40
Subject:phpMyAdmin ...
Спасибо за внимание, но пока мне ответили я и сам нашёл, вы не поверите но всё много проще :)


Installing PHP
Ok, we're halfway there. Now let's turn our attention to installing and configuring PHP. You'll need to decompress the PHP file, as it is zipped up. I can't imagine that you don't already have some sort of decompression program, but if you don't, I would suggest Winzip. Unzip the file to some directory, "C:\php", for example.

There are three files of importance within this directory: "php.ini-dist", "Msvcrt.dll", and "php4ts.dll":

Take these two files ("Msvcrt.dll" and "php4ts.dll") and put them into the folder "C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM\".
Return to the directory "C:\php\"..
Copy the file "php.ini-dist" to "C:\WINDOWS\". Rename this file to "php.ini".
Back to httpd.conf
Remember the httpd.conf file that you modified earlier on? Go ahead and open it back up, as there are just a few more modifications that need to be made.

Locate the line:

ScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ "C:/program files/Apache
Go to the line following it and insert this:

ScriptAlias /php/ "C:/php/"
Now locate the line:

# Format: Action handler-name /cgi-script/location
Go to the line following it and insert this:

Action application/x-httpd-php /php/php.exeOkay, one last modification to make. Find the line:

# AddType allows you to tweak mime.types without actually editing it, or to
# make certain files to be certain types.
Go to the line following it and insert these lines:

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps
The first line declares the valid extensions for any PHP scripts. The extension ".php" is the typical extension, although you could change it to anything you want. The second line declares the extension that will allow you to view the PHP code within the browser. This is a pretty cool feature of PHP and can be used for learning or debugging purposes.

Guess what? You're finished! Pat yourself on the back, fix another lemonade, and prepare to have some fun with your very own in-house server! Open your text editor once again and create a file named "hello.php." Enter this text within the file:



Save this file to "C:/program files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/". In order for these changes to be recognized by the Apache server, you need to restart it. Just go back to the Start menu, click on Stop Apache. After a moment the console window will disappear. Go back to the Start menu, this time clicking upon Start Apache. Now for the big moment. Go back to your Web browser and enter: http://localhost/hello.php.

[Это сообщение - спам!]

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