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Database Designer for MySQL 2.1.6 is out! (Pavel Golub) 23/11/2015 - 18:09:39

From: Pavel Golub - 23/11/2015 - 18:09:39
Subject:Database Designer for MySQL 2.1.6 is out!
New release introduces enhanced support for Windows 10, optional anonymous statistics functionality and fixes nasty bugs.

Full change log:
[!] Anonymous statistics module added
[!] Enhanced Windows 10 support by new compiler introduced
[!] Performance optimizations in error logging
[+] Ability to use online help added
[*] Clicking on view error in the Result List open view editor now
[-] "Access violation error after Undo for newly created object" bug fixed
[-] "Access Violation occurs after deleting diagram object and clicking on empty diagram space" bug fixed
[-] "Access violation occurs during batch object deletion" bug fixed
[-] "Could not convert variant of type (null)" bug fixed in Table Editor
[-] "Deleting entities may cause EAccessViolation exception (Bug 05190000)" bug fixed
[-] "EAccessViolation (Bug B21C0000) after reference deletion" bug fixed
[-] "Rare Access Violation error during application close" bug fixed
[-] "SQL Editor doesn't fill tables and columns lists" bug fixed

You're welcome to download the Database Designer for MySQL 2.1.6 right now at:

Login to your private area on our site at http://microolap.com/my/keys/ to obtain your key if you have a license.

Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our Support Ticketing system available at

[Это сообщение - спам!]

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