MySQL.RU - Webboard
ANN: DAC for MySQL 2.9.6 is out! (Alexander Andreev) 06/02/2014 - 15:27:38
From: Alexander Andreev - 06/02/2014 - 15:27:38
Subject:ANN: DAC for MySQL 2.9.6 is out!
DAC for MySQL is direct access components for MySQL, EnterpriseDB. It allows you to create Delphi/C++Builder applications with direct access to DAC for MySQL/EnterpriseDB without BDE and ODBC.
What’s new in v2.9.6:
Several minor improvements and bugs fixes.
Full changelog:
[+] Connect\Disconnect items added to TMySQLDatabase's popup menu
[+] TmySQLDump.IgnoreLockTables property for specifying the tables that do not LOCK added
[+] TmySQLDump.ExcludeTables property for specifying which tables must be excluded from the dump added
[+] TmySQLDump.LockTables property for added LOCK TABLES clause when dumping added
[-] "Incorrect unicode (hieroglyph) dumping" bug fixed
[-] "TmySQLTable using old values of Limit and Offset when call Reflesh procedure" bug fixed
[-] "Lookup function always returns the same value" bug fixed
[-] "Huge delays with a Lookup function" bug fixed
[-] "Master-Detail with a Null master returns all rows in the details instead of none" bug fixed
[-] "Filtering on a Time column does not work" bug fixed
You're welcome to download the DAC for MySQL v2.9.6 right now at: http://microolap.com/products/connectivity/mysqldac/download/ ,
or login to your private area on our site at http://microolap.com/my/downloads/
Please don't hesitate to ask any questions or report bugs with our Support Ticketing system available at http://www.microolap.com/support/
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